每天我们面对的选择。我去吧,还是我去?我花或保存吗?我吃蛋糕或做出更健康的选择?谈判开始当闹钟响时。我起床或者小睡吗?你可能会听到自己说,“我还累,仅仅五分钟。”然后你可能会听到自己说,“但如果我打打盹,我又上班可能会迟到。“谈判仍在继续,直到最强的声音获胜,或者我应该说更有影响力的声音获胜。谈判持续在整个一天,到了晚上你完全排干的战斗中。最后,谁最后赢得谈判? It depends on your mindset and the vividness of your intentions. The goal is to overcome weaknesses and bad choices that do not contribute to your over all growth. We learn throughout life that defeat first happens in your mind. Whether your goal is to eat healthier or to get a promotion, your success or failure highly depends on what you believe. Do you believe that you can resist junk food and eat healthy? Do you believe you have what it takes to get the promotion? If you do not believe that you can do a thing, you are already defeated. Henry Ford stated, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you are right.” The goal is to create a strong and health-oriented mindset to develop the favorable negotiator. The voice of the favorable negotiator must be well-informed and more convincing than the voice of the unfavorable negotiator whose main goal is to be comfortable and avoid challenges. Here are a few ways to develop the favorable negotiator:

  1. 不打打盹。开始每天早上用赢不允许不利的谈判说服你睡五分钟。提醒自己额外的五分钟不会让你感觉不累,可能会导致你上班迟到。
  2. 创建目标。你想要什么?你的人生明确的主要目的是什么?找出你想要的生活和设定目标,引导你到你的目的。有目标和必要步骤后到达你的目标增加你的信心,导致谈判导致明智的决策。更容易抵制诱惑,当你有明确的意图和达到目标的强烈愿望。
  3. 做一些让你有动力。肯定、肯定、肯定。总是保持正面的肯定可见。这些可能是肯定,你为自己或借用别人创建的,它并不重要。对于大多数人来说最大的挑战就是相信肯定是真的。再次,谈判开始。你背诵一个积极的肯定和不利的谈判代表告诉你,它是不正确的。这发生在我们所有人。我克服的否定者是告诉自己,我肯定住在我的上帝。我只是召唤神揭示通过我自己。 That is it. It is not about what I can do, but what God can do. Whatever the affirmation is, believe that with God, all things are possible. The unfavorable negotiator can not argue with that, so the favorable negotiator wins.
  4. 接受了马克。注意,我没有说接受失败或失去,因为我们从来没有失败或失去。有时我们必须改变方向。例如,想到的时候使用你的GPS系统在你的车和你错过了。了全球定位系统(GPS),“哦,好。你失败了。转身回家。“不,GPS将你和继续路由到目的地。我们必须做同样的事,当我们错过了马克。当一扇门关上时,另一扇门打开。 If you stop at the closed door, you will never see the door that opened. Do not give up, just change your course. The only way to not succeed is to quit.
  5. 要有耐心,并且花时间去闻玫瑰。每天早晨醒来,远大前程。每天早上练习想象一切都好了。希望有趣的旅程。当你下降使不利的谈判赢得谈判,不要担心。掸掉灰尘和恢复任务。保持积极的心态,需要时间和耐心。胜利不是定义为速度,赢家是由持久。