
这种想法我的头两条路径之一。我转向强硬右派和头部上坡,我发现自己的呼吸和沮丧的高度比较,长列表应该富人和岩石,泥泞的道路,我的梦想太远。这条道路容易冲下来的感觉。我已经有一个“假设”列表引发这个徒步旅行,和一大帮的我可能已经错过了机会,零食。我不能看到物理人数将我的身心,因为太阳耀斑的反射/她牺牲更多/世界的好处更多。没有观点的前面或后面。我只能专注于不跳闸。我担心下滑放缓黑暗面的山。我当然会伤害自己和他人,为什么我觉得我有什么芯片?突然这个徒步感觉做不了的。 What exactly was I trying to accomplish? It’s time to head back, carefully. Goodness, I feel too fragile to be out and about at all. I am alone.深吸一口气



其他路径的思想贡献让我下弯就不见了。我已经感觉的地方,所以不一定最有趣的但我的脚感到稳定和我的眼睛清晰。点燃信心和保障的路径,它将保持不变是否我选择走还是不喜欢。我在这里贡献因为我不是因为我走/跑/旅行。在这条道路上,我发现我的孩子在水里面的笑话。我妈妈因为我。我看到一个朋友谁想陪我所以我可以告诉他们我所看到的和我所发现。我只要活在当下。嘿,这是老巨大的树,我为我丈夫爬欢呼!我不能提升他不管我如何努力。 Stepping aside and reminding him what is true made his climb much faster. Truth, is an incredible contributor. Suddenly this hike feels expansive. What exactly was I trying to accomplish? Nothing. The contribution was already made when I was created. Goodness, I feel whole.

第二路径导致的观点。从这里太阳照亮别人的贡献,我感到鼓舞。有阴影,软化我的失败,使他们的外观看起来很像涂满在恩典中吸取教训。希望增加喜欢蒸汽流的流动我旁边由风暴在家里一天。让我放心,说事情的结果很难带来放松和平静。我想我的脚疼了。我低头看看到我的鞋子不见了,我的脚趾坐落在郁郁葱葱的草就像美联储的营养真相,我所有的努力贡献不会增加我的价值。这里发现我仅仅因为我选择休息。现在,压力消失了。性能的贡献需要后座的神奇,当我出现,整体。 When I choose to walk past comparison, uncertainty, and elbowing for my worth and step on the path that is waiting for exactly me to walk it, I am free to contribute exactly what the world needs from me. This isn’t without effort but within the effort is my whole hearted contribution.

你发现自己质疑你的价值吗?你是被“他们”喷涌贡献无处不在。你相信你已经错过了机会。你的大脑是多云的和你的身体拖累性能的忙碌。你怎么能得到你的脚/头/身体的道路上,让你感觉?我的建议,改变你在看什么。暂停。呼吸和查找。向下看。环顾四周。 The two paths are the SAME you silly goose. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. You contribute because you are you. Your worth is unwavering. What is true will steady you and soothe your antsy feet. What you see as a failure is bathed in grace already, you just have to look for it. I promise that what appears to be a shadow is only there because of the good that is creating it. The two paths are differentiated simply by your perspective and if you find that you can’t change what you’re seeing find someone who is safe and who loves you and ask them to show you what they see.