
我创业的第一步是知道我需要什么,然后实现我不知道我不知道,这就是我的商业教练走了进来。这句话,“需要一个村庄”是一清二楚,但老实说,谁会认为你需要一个商业教练?我知道我想做什么,和谁,为什么…我需要或想要什么?嗯,总之,一切!我发现很难,但公平的人,一直有做,买了t恤,我负责…不管什么废话我把她的方式。这是发生了什么事。她让我坐下,问了我很多问题,听了我的目标和梦想,我们一起工作,一起把它。再一次,听起来不错,到目前为止,对吧?这是真正的真理。你必须知道听你的教练。 They have the experience and expertise. If you had an athletic coach who told you to hit the ball or kick the ball or catch the ball or whatever with the ball and you thought you knew better, where do you think that would end up? Ok, not much different with a business coach.

事实是,教练可以帮助人们关注的事情导致他们被卡住了,然后超越他们。她让我做的每件事都完美的意义,但是,我已经知道了,已经试过,都是准备解散。让我说,如果你问我什么类型的人我不想教练…这将是那些说我已经做过了,我已经试过了,其余的无稽之谈。在我的一个会议,决定写一本书。它并不是我的决定,因为它从来没有在我的雷达,但我的教练建议我有30年的“东西”在我的脑海里,为什么不组织并与他人分享。我终于同意了,她告诉我有一个轮廓,而不是书本身,只是一个轮廓,完成一个特定的日期。我羞怯地同意了,并没有给它另一个想法。记住,我知道更好…日期来了,我们有一个会议电话、接近尾声时,她让我读她的大纲。这是没有完成;或者,它甚至没有开始。她不到快乐但是非常专业。 She didn’t say what she probably wanted to say but she did say this, “Do you know the busiest street in Dallas?” to which I replied “Yes” and she continued with this, “Drive there and stop your car. Roll down your window and throw all the money in your wallet out the window, roll up the window and drive home.” I thought she had lost her mind and asked if she was serious. To which she replied, “That’s what you do with me every week,” and then she finished with, “Why are you paying me all this money when you don’t do any of the work? How will your business ever get off the ground? How will people know who you are? How will you ever make a difference or bring value? Do you not understand that you can’t do this alone?” That was the day I realized how important a coach really is and how “It takes a village” made sense to me.



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  • 有组织的
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