
这应该是违法的,但事实并非如此。在上个世纪,他们把诱熊定为非法行为。然而,企业领导层仍然发现自己是会议室里的诱饵。希望这种情况不会经常发生在你身上,但在某种程度上,所有女性高管都会遇到这种情况。为什么团队要这么做?它可以是一种考验你的方式,可以是团队自律的方法,也可以是一种刻薄的方式。性别不是一个因素。当我是房间里唯一的女性高管时,当房间里只有女性高管时,我就看到过这种情况。一群公司领导聚集在房间里开会。它通常是一群人定期聚在一起。 I have never seen it in a meeting of strangers. There is usually one person who acts as the antagonist and one who is the target. The other members of the group typically stay on the sidelines. If other members of the group intervene, the baiting usually stops. It often takes the form of aggressive questioning. You know the kind. There is no way to answer the question with a positive result. However, sometimes the target’s own words are twisted to form a trap for them. It can take the form of allowing the target to continue a presentation when the everyone else knows it is no longer relevant.

如果你是目标,你该怎么办?这是一个艰难的处境。你的第一反应通常是愤怒或尴尬。但是,请记住,你很可能正在接受测试。发脾气只会适得其反。流泪也是一个坏主意。尽你最大的努力保持冷静。一般来说,我建议你保持冷静的态度和正常的声音。用不同的方式或举个例子重复你的观点。你可能要做好几次。 Keep it positive. Avoid defensiveness. However, if you are getting the information that the group as a whole is not buying whatever you are selling, it may be best to close it down and wait for a better time. Depending on how well you know the group, you may be able to defuse the situation with humor. However, do that carefully and only with groups that you know really well. Regardless, the key is to stay calm, cool and collected. After the meeting, seek out one of the other members of the corporate leadership group whom you trust and find out what was going on. It is also a good idea to ask them to critique your reaction. There is always something to learn.

